⚠️ Oops! This page doesn't appear to define a type called _.


This module does not have a toplevel documentation block.

let collectArgs: ( list((Asttypes.label, Types.type_expr)), Types.type_expr ) => ( list((Asttypes.label, Types.type_expr)), Types.type_expr )

type pathType = | PModule | PModuleType | PValue | PType

module T

This module does not have a toplevel documentation block.

type stringifier = { path: (stringifier, Path.t, pathType) => doc, expr: (stringifier, Types.type_expr) => doc, ident: (stringifier, Ident.t) => doc, decl: ( stringifier, string, string, Types.type_declaration ) => doc, value: ( stringifier, string, string, Types.type_expr ) => doc }

let break: doc

let space: doc

let dedent: doc

let str: (~?len: option(int), string) => doc

let @!: (doc, doc) => doc

let sepd_list: (doc, list('a), 'a => doc) => doc

let commad_list: ('a => doc, list('a)) => doc

let tuple_list: (list('a), 'a => doc) => doc

let replace: (string, string, string) => string

let htmlEscape: string => string

let print_expr: (stringifier, Types.type_expr) => doc

let print_constructor: ( Types.type_expr => doc, Types.constructor_declaration ) => doc

let print_attr: ( stringifier, Types.label_declaration ) => doc

let print_value: ( stringifier, string, string, Types.type_expr ) => doc

let print_decl: ( stringifier, string, string, Types.type_declaration ) => doc