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Pretty-prints documents. This module is similar in purpose to OCaml standard Format module, but is based on the combinators described in Wadler's paper "A prettier printer." Unlike Wadler's implementation, the present code does not admit lazy document nodes and therefore pretty printing always uses O(N) space where N is the size of the document. References Philip Wadler, "A prettier printer." The Fun of Programming. A symposium in honour of Professor Richard Bird's 60th birthday Examination Schools, Oxford, 24-25 March 2003.

other items defined

type doc

Represents documents to be pretty-printed

let append: (doc, doc) => doc

Sequentially appends two documents

let empty: doc

The empty document

let group: doc => doc

Constructs a group based on a given document. The printer has two ways to print a group: it either prints exactly as the defining document, or prints as its flattened version where all newlines are collapsed. The choice is made by the printer based on available space.

let indent: (int, doc) => doc

Adds a level of indentation to a document

let line: string => doc

Constructs a primitive document that prints as a newline unless the printer chooses to flatten the enclosing group. In the later case, the document prints as a given string.

let text: (~?len: option(int), string) => doc

Constructs a primitive document that prints as the given string. For best results, the string should not contain newlines

let back: (int, string) => doc

Constructs a linebreak that dedents

let print: ( ~?width: option(int), ~?output: option(string => unit), ~?indent: option(int => unit), doc ) => unit

Pretty-prints the document. You can override the device width, the "output" function that defines how to output text, and the "indent" function that defines how to print a newline and indent to a desired level. The default arguments print to stdout.