⚠️ Oops! This page doesn't appear to define a type called _.

Paths of documentation

other items defined

module Kind : Kind

module Identifier

Identifiers for definitions

other items defined


type t('kind) = | Root(Root.t, string): t([< kind > `Module ]) | Page(Root.t, string): t([< kind > `Page ]) | Module(signature, string): t([< kind > `Module ]) | Argument(signature, int, string): t( [< kind > `Module ] ) | ModuleType(signature, string): t( [< kind > `ModuleType ] ) | Type(signature, string): t([< kind > `Type ]) | CoreType(string): t([< kind > `Type ]) | Constructor(datatype, string): t( [< kind > `Constructor ] ) | Field(parent, string): t([< kind > `Field ]) | Extension(signature, string): t( [< kind > `Extension ] ) | Exception(signature, string): t( [< kind > `Exception ] ) | CoreException(string): t([< kind > `Exception ]) | Value(signature, string): t([< kind > `Value ]) | Class(signature, string): t([< kind > `Class ]) | ClassType(signature, string): t( [< kind > `ClassType ] ) | Method(class_signature, string): t( [< kind > `Method ] ) | InstanceVariable(class_signature, string): t( [< kind > `InstanceVariable ] ) | Label(label_parent, string): t([< kind > `Label ])

type any = t(kind)

type parent = t(parent)

Explicit coercions

let any: t('kind) => any

Generic operations

let equal: (t('kind), t('kind)) => bool

let hash: t('kind) => int


let name: t('kind) => string

Root retrieval

module Fragment

OCaml path fragments for specifying module substitutions

other items defined

module Resolved

This module does not have a toplevel documentation block.


type kind = fragment

type sort = [ `Branch | `Root ]

type raw('b, 'c) = | Root: raw('b, [< sort > `Root ]) | Subst(module_type, module_): raw( [< kind > `Module ], [< sort > `Branch ] ) | SubstAlias(module_, module_): raw( [< kind > `Module ], [< sort > `Branch ] ) | Module(signature, string): raw( [< kind > `Module ], [< sort > `Branch ] ) | Type(signature, string): raw( [< kind > `Type ], [< sort > `Branch ] ) | Class(signature, string): raw( [< kind > `Class ], [< sort > `Branch ] ) | ClassType(signature, string): raw( [< kind > `ClassType ], [< sort > `Branch ] )

type t('b) = raw('b, [ `Branch ])

type any = t(kind)

type signature = raw(fragment_module, [ `Branch | `Root ])

Explicit coercions

let any: t('b) => any

let any_sort: raw('b, 'c) => raw('b, sort)

Attaching fragments to valid paths

let path: (Path.module_, t('b)) => Path.t('b)

let identifier: (signature, t('b)) => Identifier.t('b)

Generic operations

let equal: (t('b), t('b)) => bool

let hash: t('b) => int

let split: t('b) => (string, option(t('b)))


type kind = fragment

type sort = [ `Branch | `Root ]

type raw('b, 'c) = | Resolved(raw('b, 'c)): raw('b, 'c) | Dot(signature, string): raw( [< kind ], [< sort > `Branch ] )

type t('b) = raw('b, [ `Branch ])

type any = t(kind)

type signature = raw(fragment_module, [ `Branch | `Root ])

Explicit coercions

let any_sort: raw('b, 'c) => raw('b, sort)

let any: t('b) => any

Attaching fragments to valid paths

let path: (Path.module_, t('b)) => Path.t('b)

Generic operations

let equal: (t('b), t('b)) => bool

let hash: t('b) => int

let split: t('b) => (string, option(t('b)))