⚠️ Oops! This page doesn't appear to define a type called _.


This module does not have a toplevel documentation block.

module T

This module does not have a toplevel documentation block.

type pathType = | PModule | PModuleType | PValue | PType = pathType

type fullPath = (string, list(string), pathType)

type stamps = list((int, fullPath))

let stampsFromTypesSignature: ( ('a, list(string)), list(Types.signature_item) ) => list((int, ('a, list(string), pathType)))

let stampsFromTypedtreeInterface: ( ('a, list(string)), list(Typedtree.signature_item) ) => list((int, ('a, list(string), pathType)))

let stampsFromTypedtreeImplementation: ( ('a, list(string)), list(Typedtree.structure_item) ) => list((int, ('a, list(string), pathType)))