⚠️ Oops! This page doesn't appear to define a type called _.


This module does not have a toplevel documentation block.

type name = string

type url = string

type title = string

type alt = string

type el( 'a ) = [ `Url of url * 'a0 * title | `Bold of 'a0 | `Comment of string | `Html of string | `Br | `Emph of 'a0 | `Code of name * string | `Img of url * alt * title | `Text of string ]

type phrasing = list( [ `Bold of phrasing | `Url of url * phrasing * title | `Comment of string | `NL | `Html of string | `Br | `Emph of phrasing | `Code of name * string | `Img of url * alt * title | `Text of string ] )

type reference

type flow = [ `Bold of phrasing | `Url of url * phrasing * title | `H5 of phrasing_no_NL | `Paragraph of phrasing | `Comment of string | `Html_block of string | `Html of string | `Br | `Ul of t | `Hr | `Emph of phrasing | `Quote of t | `H1 of phrasing_no_NL | `Ref of reference | `Code of name * string | `Ol of t | `H3 of phrasing_no_NL | `Code_block of name * string | `H6 of phrasing_no_NL | `H2 of phrasing_no_NL | `Img of url * alt * title | `Text of string | `H4 of phrasing_no_NL | `Img_ref of reference ]

type t = list(flow)