⚠️ Oops! This page doesn't appear to define a type called _.


This module does not have a toplevel documentation block.

let parsePages: Json.t => sidebarListing

let parseSidebar: string => sidebar

let getName: string => string

let isReadme: string => bool

let asHtml: string => string

let htmlName: string => string

let getTitle: (string, string) => string

let parseCustom: ( string, (string, option(string), string) ) => customPage

let processCmt: ('a, string, bool) => ( list((int, ('a, list(string), pathType))), option(Omd.t), list(doc) )

let processModules: ( ~namespaced: bool, list((string, string)) ) => list(topModule)

let package: ( ~namespaced: bool, ~canBundle: bool, packageInput ) => package