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type token = tok

type t = list(token)

let lex: string => t

Translate a raw string into tokens for the parser. To implement an extension to the lexer, one may process its result before giving it to the parser. To implement an extension to the parser, one may extend it using the constructor Tag from type tok and/or using the extensions mechanism of the parser (cf. the optional argument extensions). The main difference is that Tag is processed by the parser in highest priority whereas functions in extensions are applied with lowest priority.

type bigstring = Bigarray.Array1.t( char, Bigarray.int8_unsigned_elt, Bigarray.c_layout )

let lex_bigarray: bigstring => t

As lex, but read input from a bigarray rather than from a string.

let string_of_tokens: t => string

string_of_tokens t return the string corresponding to the token list t.

let length: token => int

length t number of characters of the string represented as t (i.e. String.length(string_of_token t)).

let string_of_token: token => string

string_of_token tk return the string corresponding to the token tk.

let make_space: int => token

let split_first: token => (token, token)

split_first(Xs n) returns (X, X(n-1)) where X is a token carrying an int count.

Raises: Invalid_argument

is passed a single token.

let destring_of_tokens: (~?limit: option(int), t) => string

Converts the tokens to a simple string representation useful for debugging.