⚠️ Oops! This page doesn't appear to define a type called _.


This module does not have a toplevel documentation block.

module Path : Path

type style = [ `Bold | `Superscript | `Emphasis | `Subscript | `Italic ]

type leaf_inline_element = [ `Code_span of string | `Word of string | `Space ]

type non_link_inline_element = [ `Code_span of string | `Word of string | `Space | `Styled of style * non_link_inline_element with_location list ]

type inline_element = [ `Code_span of string | `Word of string | `Space | `Reference of Reference.any * link_content | `Link of string * link_content | `Styled of style * inline_element with_location list ]

type nestable_block_element = [ `Paragraph of inline_element with_location list | `List of [ `Unordered | `Ordered ] * nestable_block_element with_location list list | `Doc of string | `Modules of Reference.module_ list | `Example of string * string | `Code_block of string | `Verbatim of string ]

type tag = [ `Param of string * nestable_block_element with_location list | `Return of nestable_block_element with_location list | `See of [ `Url | `Document | `File ] * string * nestable_block_element with_location list | `Closed | `Open | `Before of string * nestable_block_element with_location list | `Canonical of Path.module_ * Reference.module_ | `Version of string | `Deprecated of nestable_block_element with_location list | `Inline | `Raise of string * nestable_block_element with_location list | `Since of string | `Author of string ]

type heading_level = [ `Subsubsection | `Section | `Title | `Subsection ]

type block_element = [ `Paragraph of inline_element with_location list | `Tag of tag | `List of [ `Unordered | `Ordered ] * nestable_block_element with_location list list | `Doc of string | `Heading of heading_level * Identifier.label * link_content | `Modules of Reference.module_ list | `Code_block of string | `Example of string * string | `Verbatim of string ]

type docs_or_stop = [ `Stop | `Docs of docs ]