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let filterNil: ('a => option('a), list('a)) => list('a)

let showType: Types.type_expr => string

type tag = | TypeHover(Types.type_expr) | Cls(string) | TypeDef(Ident.t) | ValueDef(Ident.t) | TypeRef(Path.t) | ValueRef(Path.t)

let iterTags: ( Location.t, list( tag ) ) => unit => (module TypedtreeIter.IteratorArgument)

let highlightItem: Typedtree.structure_item => ( list((Location.t, list(tag))), list(Path.t), list(Path.t) )

type markdownTags = (Location.t, list(tag))

type node = | Item( Location.t, item, list((Location.t, list(tag))), list(Path.t), list(Path.t) ) | Module(string, list((int, node)))

type item = | Value(string, string) | Type(string, string)

let chart: list(Typedtree.structure_item) => list( (int, node) )

let slice: (string, int, int) => string

type fullItem = { id: string, name: string, moduleName: string, typ: string, loc: Location.t, tags: list((Location.t, list(tag))), vals: list(Path.t), typs: list(Path.t), text: string }

let process: ( string, list(Typedtree.structure_item), string, Hashtbl.t( string, ( string, ( list((string, string)), list((string, string)), list((string, string)) ) ) ), Hashtbl.t(string, fullItem), Hashtbl.t(string, fullItem) ) => ( list((string, string)), list((string, string)), list((string, string)) )

let fold: ('a, 'a => 'a, option('a)) => 'a

let flatten: Path.t => (Ident.t, list(string))

let toId: (string, int) => string

let deepValue: ( list('a), ('a, ('a, list(('a, 'a)), list(('a, 'a)))), 'a, Hashtbl.t( 'a, ( 'a, ( 'a, list(('a, 'a)), list( ('a, 'a) ) ) ) ) ) => [> `Global of 'n1 | `Missing ]

let deepType: ( list('a), ('a, (list(('a, 'a)), 'a, list(('a, 'a)))), 'a, Hashtbl.t( 'a, ( 'a, ( list(('a, 'a)), 'a, list( ('a, 'a) ) ) ) ) ) => [> `Global of 'o1 | `Missing ]

let resolveValue: ( string, Hashtbl.t(string, 'a), Hashtbl.t( string, ( 'a, ( 'a, list((string, string)), list((string, string)) ) ) ), Hashtbl.t( string, ( 'a, ( 'a, list((string, string)), list((string, string)) ) ) ), Path.t ) => [> `Global of string | `Local of string | `Missing ]

let resolveType: ( string, Hashtbl.t(string, 'a), Hashtbl.t( string, ( 'a, ( list((string, string)), 'a, list((string, string)) ) ) ), Hashtbl.t( string, ( 'a, ( list((string, string)), 'a, list((string, string)) ) ) ), Path.t ) => [> `Global of string | `Local of string | `Missing ]

let unique: list('a) => list('a)

let processMany: list( (string, list(Typedtree.structure_item), string) ) => ( list( ( string, string, string, string, Location.t, string, list(fullItem), list(fullItem) ) ), list((string, string, list(string))) )

let gatherCmts: (string, string, list(string)) => list( (string, string) )

let main: unit => unit