A markdown parser in OCaml, with no extra dependencies.
This module represents this entire Markdown library written in OCaml only.
Its main purpose is to allow you to use the Markdown library while keeping you away from the other modules.
If you want to extend the Markdown parser, you can do it without accessing any module of this library but this one, and by doing so, you are free from having to maintain a fork of this library.
N.B. This module is supposed to be reentrant, if it's not then please report the bug.
other items defined
Representation of Markdown documents
module Representation : Omd_representation
type ref_container = < add_ref : string -> string -> string -> unit; get_all : (string * (string * string)) list; get_ref : string -> (string * string) option >
type element = | H1(t) | H2(t) | H3(t) | H4(t) | H5(t) | H6(t) | Paragraph(t) | Text(string) | Emph(t) | Bold(t) | Ul(list(t)) | Ol(list(t)) | Ulp(list(t)) | Olp(list(t)) | Code(name, string) | Code_block(name, string) | Br | Hr | NL | Url(href, t, title) | Ref(ref_container, name, string, fallback) | Img_ref(ref_container, name, alt, fallback) | Html(name, list((string, option(string))), t) | Html_block(name, list((string, option(string))), t) | Html_comment(string) | Raw(string) | Raw_block(string) | Blockquote(t) | Img(alt, src, title) | X( < name : string; to_html : ?indent:int -> (t -> string) -> t -> string option; to_sexpr : (t -> string) -> t -> string option; to_t : t -> t option > ) = element
A element of a Markdown document.
type fallback = < to_string : string; to_t : t >
Fallback for references in case they refer to non-existant references
type name = string
Markdown reference name.
type alt = string
HTML img tag attribute.
type src = string
HTML attribute.
type href = string
HTML attribute.
type title = string
HTML attribute.
type code_stylist = (~lang: string, string) => string
Function that takes a language name and some code and returns that code with style.
Input and Output
let of_string: ( ~?extensions: option(extensions), ~?default_lang: option(name), string ) => t
of_string s
returns the Markdown representation of the string s
Param: lang
language for blocks of code where it was not specified. Default: ""
If you want to use a custom lexer or parser, use lex and parse.
let of_bigarray: ( ~?extensions: option(extensions), ~?default_lang: option(name), bigstring ) => t
As of_string, but read input from a bigarray rather than from a string.
let set_default_lang: (name, t) => t
set_default_lang lang md
return a copy of md
where the language of all Code
or Code_block
with an empty language is set to lang
let to_html: ( ~?override: option(element => option(string)), ~?pindent: option(bool), ~?nl2br: option(bool), ~?cs: option(code_stylist), t ) => string
Translate markdown representation into raw HTML. If you need a full HTML representation, you mainly have to figure out how to convert Html of string
and Html_block of string
into your HTML representation.
let to_markdown: t => string
Translate markdown representation into textual markdown.
Tansforming Markdown documents
let toc: ( ~?start: option(list(int)), ~?depth: option(int), t ) => t
toc md
returns toc
a table of contents for md
Param: start
gives the section for which the TOC must be built. For example ~start:[2;3]
will build the TOC for subsections of the second H1
header, and within that section, the third h2
header. If a number is 0
, it means to look for the first section at that level but stop if one encounters any other subsection. If no subsection exists, an empty TOC []
will be returned. Default: []
i.e. list all sections, starting with the first H1
Param: depth
the table of contents. Default: 2