⚠️ Oops! This page doesn't appear to define a type called _.


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type full_location_payload = { location: span, message: string }

type filename_only_payload = {file: string, message: string}

type t = [ `With_filename_only of filename_only_payload | `With_full_location of full_location_payload ]

type with_warnings('a) = {result: 'a, warnings: list(t)}

let make: (string, span) => t

let filename_only: (string, string) => t

let format: Pervasives.format4( 'a, unit, string, span => t ) => 'a

let to_string: t => string

type result('a, 'b) = | Ok('a) | Error('b)

let raise_exception: t => 'a

let to_exception: result('a, t) => 'a

let catch: unit => 'a => result('a, t)