Tag: ocaml
RSS FeedOptional Attribute Access in Reason
One thing that you’ll run into when interfacing with complex javascript objects in Reason, is that dealing with optional objects can be a huge pain. The most common place to run into this is when using the excellent graphql-ppx syntax plugin (often together with reason-apollo), because the result of a graphql query is a large complex javascript object, with many parts of it that are optional.
State of Reason Survey: Preliminary Results
I’m planning to do some fancy social science analysis of the results, but first I’ll just give you a dump of the summary data that came out of this.
First of all, there were 398 responses! Thanks to everyone who contributed :)
Deploying Native Reason/OCaml with Zeit's now.sh
I’m working on a new ReasonReact project that will need a stateful server, and I thought it might be nice to write that in Reason too :) but what’s the best way to deploy it? And by “best” I mean “easiest, with a free-to-try option”. After looking around a little, I settled on Zeit’s now.sh.
What did I end up with? A 10mb docker image with a server inside!
Reason mobile cross-compilation deep dive
I recently released a tool that will manage all of this stuff (see the accompanying blog post), but I figure it’s good to document what I went through for future ocaml cross-compilation spelunkers.
Building async/await in Reason
Lots of people have come into the discord channel asking about how to elegantly deal with async things. We’ve got Promise.then_
and good old callbacks, but having a syntax like async/await
can really make things nicer when you have a lot of async going on. So far in the web clients I’ve made, there hasn’t been enough asynchrony to really feel that pain, but I thought it would be an interesting challenge to tackle anyway.
A ReasonReact Tutorial
Are you a big fan of React, and want to know more about Reason/OCaml? I made this for you!
This tutorial was updated on April 20, 2019 for reason-react version 0.7.0, and React hooks! If you want to see what it was like before hooks, here's the previous version
Reason is a project that adds a JavaScript-style syntax and a bunch of conventions and tooling to OCaml. The goal is to make this awesome language, with its powerful type system and robust multi-platform compiler, accessible to a broader audience. It's backed by the good folks at Facebook who invented and built React, and so naturally having best-in-class React interop has been a high priority.
This tutorial aims to give you a nice introduction to the syntax and type system of Reason, through the ReasonReact library. We'll be building a simple Todo list application.
When will ReasonML be ready?
Someone came into our discord channel a few days ago asking “Is Reason suitable for migrating a large production JavaScript codebase incrementally?” I answered “Yes, but wait 6 months.”
What’s the current status? At the moment, we’re mostly in the realm of “enthusiasts who are OK with being on the bleeding edge, and want to help build out the foundation in their spare time.”
Template-based macros in Reason/OCaml
A couple of people have shown up in the discord channel asking whether Reason has macros, and the answer is “sort of.” I think we can do better.
Your first native Reason/OCaml project
I just wrote my first Reason project that compiled to native, and you can too! Luckily for you, my first native project was a cli tool to help people get started with native Reason development 🙌.
JavaScript Interop with Reason and BuckleScript
So you’re all ready to write some Reason but you need to call a JavaScript function? Or maybe you can’t figure out how to write something in OCaml-land and wish you could just bail for a minute & write it in JavaScript? Fortunately, both of those are fairly easy to pull off.
Getting Started with Reason and BuckleScript
A couple of people have asked me how to get up and running recently, so I thought I’d put something together. If you’re looking for a “just clone this repo & go”, here’s a very simple boilerplate I put together for this post, or you can check out the reason-react-example repository.