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let color = (~r: int, ~g: int, ~b: int, ~a: int) => colorT

let colorf = ( ~r: float, ~g: float, ~b: float, ~a: float ) => colorT

let round = float => float

let sq = int => int

let pow = (~base: int, ~exp: int) => int

let constrain = (~amt: 'a, ~low: 'a, ~high: 'a) => 'a

let remapf = ( ~value: float, ~low1: float, ~high1: float, ~low2: float, ~high2: float ) => float

let remap = ( ~value: int, ~low1: int, ~high1: int, ~low2: int, ~high2: int ) => int

let norm = ( ~value: float, ~low: float, ~high: float ) => float

let randomf = (~min: float, ~max: float) => float

let random = (~min: int, ~max: int) => int

let randomSeed = int => unit

let randomGaussian = unit => float

let lerpf = ( ~low: float, ~high: float, ~value: float ) => float

let lerp = (~low: int, ~high: int, ~value: float) => int

let lerpColor = ( ~low: colorT, ~high: colorT, ~value: float ) => colorT

let distf = ( ~p1: (float, float), ~p2: (float, float) ) => float

let dist = (~p1: (int, int), ~p2: (int, int)) => float

let magf = (float, float) => float

let mag = (int, int) => float

let degrees = float => float

let radians = float => float

let noise = (float, float, float) => float

let noiseSeed = int => unit

let split = (string, ~sep: char) => list(string)

let intersectRectCircle = ( ~rectPos: (float, float), ~rectW: float, ~rectH: float, ~circlePos: (float, float), ~circleRad: float ) => bool

let intersectRectRect = ( ~rect1Pos: (float, float), ~rect1W: float, ~rect1H: float, ~rect2Pos: (float, float), ~rect2W: float, ~rect2H: float ) => bool